Diseño y evaluación del proyecto "Aprendemos investigando sobre nuestros abuelos"el desarrollo de la metodología por proyectos en las aulas de educación primaria

  1. Montesinos Navarro, Ana María
  1. Francisca José Serrano Pastor Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2022(e)ko ekaina-(a)k 23

  1. Sixto Cubo Delgado Presidentea
  2. María Ángeles Cano Muñoz Idazkaria
  3. María José Martínez Segura Kidea

Mota: Tesia


For a few decades, a stream of intergenerational research, proposals and projects have been proliferating in our society with the same objective, to promote intergenerational dialogue and build bridges between the elderly and the young. This led us to ask ourselves about the prevailing need to take advantage of one of the most accessible intergenerational relationships for society in general, grandparent-grandchild relationships. This Doctoral Thesis is based on this kinship to design, implement and evaluate a didactic project whose main objective is to work on the development of the identity of the participating students through interaction with their grandparents inside and outside the classroom, through the use of active methodologies. For this, the following objectives were established: (1) Analyze the content validity of the CUMEABU-D and CUABU-F questionnaires through expert judgment. (2) Assess the internal consistency of the total scale and the subscales of the CUEMEABU-D and CUABU-F questionnaires. (3) To explore the construct validity of the CUMEABU-D and CUABU-F questionnaires. (4) Determine the content validity of the project "through the judgment of panelists." (5) Evaluate the use of the methodology by projects in the teaching-learning process in Primary Education from the perspective of Primary Education teachers in the Region of Murcia. (6) Analyze the conceptions that teachers in the Region of Murcia have about the didactic potential of intergenerational relationships in general and grandparent-grandchild relationships in particular, as well as the use they make of such topics through the methodology for projects in the classroom, depending on whether they have used grandparent-grandchild relationships as a resource in the classroom. (7) Determine the personal, educational, work and sociodemographic characteristics of the grandparents of the participating students. (8) Establish the preferences of the participating students towards a particular grandparent from the perspective of their parents, as well as describe the profiles of grandparents in the dimensions values, school, family, development of identity and activity, based on the perception transmitted by the mothers and fathers of the participating students. (9) Determine the perceptions presented by teachers and the family about grandparent-grandchild relationships. (10) Assess the contributions of the classroom tutors throughout the sessions. (11) Determine the degrees of self-perceived motivation and learning by the participating students throughout the sessions. (12) Compare the levels of achievement in the development of student identity based on the results collected in the post-test with respect to those of the pre-test. To achieve them, two starting hypotheses were proposed that divided the research into two different parts. On the one hand, an instrumental investigation of analytical design, with which the first, second, third and fourth objectives are answered; validating, through expert judgment, two questionnaires designed ad hoc whose function was to collect information corresponding to the diagnostic evaluation of the project, as well as the content validation of the educational project "Learn by researching our grandparents". On the other hand, empirical research tried to respond to the second starting hypothesis; presenting an evaluative design partially taken from the Pérez Juste model, with a quantitative approach divided into three stages: diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation and summative evaluation of the project, responding to the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth objectives, eleventh and twelfth. With this research, the need for the inclusion of active methodologies in the classroom has been evidenced, as well as the promotion of grandparent-grandchild relationships within educational centers, since the figures of grandparents have been shown to be a great source of wisdom. and enriching experiences for students. The results showed a great participation of the grandfathers and grandmothers in the project, together with a high degree of self-perception of motivation and learning by the students. We must highlight the limitations presented by a project of these characteristics, with only eight sessions in total. Despite this, this has opened a door to reflection and the active participation of grandparents in the classroom, fostering their inclusion, with the future goal of creating the so-called "grandparent classrooms", dialogic spaces where these are given. intergenerational meetings so enriching for all.