Anarquismo epistemológico e pedagogia libertária na sala de aulaTrilhas para um desenvolvimento humano contra-hegemônico. Uma experiência prática na graduação de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal da Bahia

  1. Barroso Tristán, José María
Supervised by:
  1. Dante Augusto Galeffi Director
  2. José González-Monteagudo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 04 April 2018

  1. Dante Augusto Galeffi Chair
  2. José González-Monteagudo Secretary
  3. José Wellington Marinho de Aragao Committee member
  4. Carlos Escaño Committee member
  5. Luiz Henrique de Lacerda Abrahão Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 571593 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


This dissertation is related to an innovative educational experience conducted for a semester in the classroom of the course of Pedagogy at the Federal University of Bahia. From a methodological point of view, this research is placed within a phenomenological framework, using ethnographic methods and case study. This investigation aims at demonstrating that placing epistemological anarchism and libertarian pedagogy as structuring elements of educational processes improves teaching-learning processes thanks to a human development without hegemony, respecting students’ subjectivities. Starting from the epistemological anarchism, we find that knowledge contains subjective elements: trying to present knowledge as objective becomes an imposition slowing its advance. As inseparable to the epistemological dimension, we find the libertarian pedagogy, based on the principles of rational authority, freedom, autonomy, and self-management. We think that the libertarian pedagogy enables to know the subjective conditions of the students and, thus, to establish educational processes that are adapted to the characteristics of the subjects engaged in the process, looking for meaningful learning in this way. In this thesis, we place professional ethics and conflicting as regulating elements of educational practice. To boost this experience, the research has been reinforced by a triangulation between the analysis of experience itself, the study of the educational laws and the stories of those students coming from the same institution, to place the teaching-learning culture present in it. In this thesis we analyze the transition of the teacher from an irrational authority to a rational one; the implications on learning caused by an educational process without hegemony. We also explore the facilities and difficulties of pedagogical planning in a horizontal and democratic way; the advantages and disadvantages of adapting pedagogical processes to the intersubjectivity of the classroom; and the development of students with respect to their capacities of freedom, participation, autonomy and self-management. In conclusion, we support the idea that a methodology based on epistemological anarchism and libertarian pedagogy brings positive elements to the pedagogical processes from a democratic, pedagogical and ethical point of view.