Definiendo el paisaje en base a la tensión

  1. Cano Suñén, Nuria
Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía

ISSN: 1137-439X

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Zenbakia: 35

Orrialdeak: 117-138

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía


The complexity of defining landscape is addressed in this work based on the tension between what is near and what is far, what is inhabited and what is observed, what is territorial and what is cultural. Each of these tensions is proposed as a theoretical model in order to understand the landscape and its social, emotional and historical transformations, as well as the changes in the people with respect to their environment and landscape.