El teatro de Pedro Salinas en el exilioidentidad y pacifismo en Caín o una gloria científica

  1. Beatriz Barrantes Martín 1
  1. 1 Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid
Pensamiento al margen: revista digital sobre las ideas políticas

ISSN: 2386-6098

Ano de publicación: 2016

Título do exemplar: Literatura política

Número: 5

Páxinas: 118-127

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Pensamiento al margen: revista digital sobre las ideas políticas


Pedro Salinas’ political involvement starts when the Spanish Civil War ends. At that time, and along with several thousand other Spaniards who shared Salinas’ situation, he has to start looking for new vital and literary horizons. Salinas ends up in the United States, hosted by different universities that offer him teaching positions. With this trip, Salinas starts his search for a lost identity, both individual and national, and this search will imply very specific political, ethical and social concerns in his intellectual production. Salinas’ world has changed radically and he feels the need to get involved in his new reality: his new identity is a political one that defends both an individual vindication and a new world status that involves a strong defense of ethics and pacifism.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Cowes, Hugo W. (1967). “Relación yo-tú y trascendencia en la obra dramática de Pedro Salinas”, Bulletin Hispanique, 69, 1, (pp. 57-68).
  • García-Vera, Elena. (1993). “Hegemonía y diferencia: Pedro Salinas en Wellesley College”. En Enric Bou (Ed.), Signo y memoria: ensayos sobre Pedro Salinas (pp. 78-90). Madrid: Pliegos, 1993.
  • McClennenn, Sophia. (2004). The Dialectics of Exile. Nation, Time, Language and Space in Hispanic Literatures, Purdue University Press.
  • Moraleda, Pilar. (1985). El teatro de Pedro Salinas. Madrid: Ediciones Pegaso.
  • Newberry, Wilma. (1971). “Pirandellism in the Plays of Pedro Salinas”, Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures , 25, 1, (pp. 59-69).
  • Pérez Romero, Carmen. (1995). Ética y estética en las obras dramáticas de Pedro Salinas y T.S. Elliot. Badajoz: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura.
  • Rutherford, Jonathan, ed. (1990). Identity. Community, Culture, Difference. Londres: Lawrence & Wishart, 222-237.
  • Salinas, Pedro. Teatro completo. Madrid: Aguilar, 1957.