Turismo sostenible y potencial de energías renovablesUna propuesta de desarrollo local en la zona turística norte del Perú

Supervised by:
  1. Andrés Sánchez Picón Director
  2. Anselmo Carretero Gómez Co-director
  3. José Joaquín García Gómez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 24 January 2023

  1. Angel Pascual Martínez Soto Chair
  2. Francisco Joaquín Cortés García Secretary
  3. Domingo Cuéllar Villar Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 786255 DIALNET


Tourism activity in Peru has grown significantly in the years prior to Covid-19, positioning this economic sector as the third largest contributor to Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Peru also has a high ecological and climatic diversity, and has significant renewable energy potential, specifically based on solar and wind energy. The rapid growth of tourism is leading to generate perspectives to become a sustainable destination; in that sense, this doctoral thesis evaluates the Peruvian tourism legislative framework and analyzes the laws and regulations that contribute to the development of sustainable tourism; likewise, it shows the relevance of the link and contribution of renewable energies to the development of sustainable tourism; proposes a sustainability strategy that links renewable energy sources and sustainable tourism by evaluating the renewable energy potential in the main tourist attractions of the Northern Tourist Zone of Peru; and evaluates the main governmental tourism investment projects implemented in the same sector, emphasizing their contribution to tourism sustainability and local development of the communities. Based on the described, to know the Peruvian legislation, the documentary analysis technique was applied; to evaluate and technically choose the best strategy, the TEFASAL methodology was used; to project its functionality, a sensitivity analysis was carried out; finally, to measure the energy potential, the SolarGis software was used. According to the quantified evaluation of the solar and wind potential of the geographical area under study, the results show that the northern tourist area has the minimum renewable energy potential necessary for its transformation and use, so that it can contribute to sustainable tourism development, as well as to the local development of local communities; likewise, the literature review of the Peruvian legal framework shows a lack of specific laws and regulations on sustainable tourism, on the contrary, different policies are being implemented, many of them already in force, which are helping to promote the development of sustainable tourism.