Una historia crítica de sociología del trabajo y de las organizacionesde «trabajadores de cuello azul y blanco» a «knowmads & freeriders»
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
ISSN: 0210-9522, 2341-085X
Año de publicación: 2019
Volumen: 77
Número: 151
Páginas: 431-451
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Miscelánea Comillas: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
This is a critical historical study of the Industrial Sociology of work and organizations, which offers an evolution and evaluation of labour relations in their transition from a welfare economy to a digital one. In addition, it diagnoses the end of Human Resources, and predicts its transformation in the area of talent development, being the key to Horizon 2030 and the achievement of the «Knowledge Society». A clear explanation is given about the transition from a dominant model of replicating and directing technical workers in bureaucratic and developmental organizations of welfare economics, to an alternative model of creative and talented collaborators in agile organizations of a digital economy. There is also a focus on the current gig phase and the emergence of two types of collaborators, known as knowmads and freeriders.
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