Entre el fervor religiós i la identitat col·lectiva:una aproximació al fenomen gogístic de la Ribera Baixa

  1. Juanma Ferrando Cuña

ISSN: 1989-8851

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakien izenburua: Actas del Congreso Internacional “La música a la mediterrània occidental” Xarxa de Comunicació intercultural Valencia, 23-25 de julio de 2014

Zenbakia: 6

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Quadrivium


The goigs is one of the most socially relevant sacred poetic-musical genre that we can find through valencian territory, it's indeed difficult to find a town where devoted people doesn't praise their deities with these chants. In this context, music itself plays a highly significant role in this socio-cultural ritual, that is, it's not just an ornament to the text, but represents an identity that helps creating bonds within a given social collective. This polyfunctionality can also be found in other aspects of the "gogistical fenomenon" like the written text itself, which, along with its religious purpose, creates bonds between devoted and deities as well as between the participants themselves. In this article we will identify the elements that are present in the text, the music and the social ritual itself, that, from our point of view, help creating and keeping collective identities around the "gogistical fenomenon". We will focus our investigation in the valencian region known as Ribera Baixa, a region that has been barely studied in this matter.