Control médico en migraña y variables relacionadas. Resultados de la encuesta europea Trabajo y Migraña

  1. M.T. Vicente-Herrero 1
  2. M.V. Ramírez Iñiguez de la Torre 2
  3. E. Ruiz de la Torre 3
  4. L. Reinoso Barbero 4
  1. 1 Servicio de Medicina del Trabajo, SPP Grupo Correos, Valencia, España
  2. 2 Servicio de Medicina del Trabajo, SPP Grupo Correos, Albacete, España
  3. 3 European Migraine and Headache Alliance
  4. 4 Servicio de Medicina del Trabajo, SPP Banco Santander, España
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Ano de publicación: 2020

Número: 4

Páxinas: 225-233

Tipo: Artigo


Outras publicacións en: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia


Objective This purpose of this work is to determine the care preferences and the required use of medical care by migraine patients in the different countries of Europe, and the observed differences depending on their social and demographic conditions. Material and methods Cross-sectional observational study by anonymous web survey of 3,342 patients from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, and a mixed group of countries not included in the initial design. Variables: age, gender, country, type of location, level of studies and rural or urban area. The demand for care is collected by neurologist, primary care doctors/family/general practitioners, by occupational health doctors, nurses, by other doctors/other specialists, non-medical control/self-control. Results The patients more seen by a neurologist were about 21-60 years old and with a high cultural level. Primary care/family doctor care is higher in urban areas. Occupational medicine, nursing, and other specialties predominate in large cities. Self-control is greater in patients aged 21-40 years and in women. Spain and Germany are the countries with the greatest demand for care in Neurology and Primary Care. Conclusions The medical demand for migraine care in Europe shows irregular results according to countries, with it being a priority in neurology and with less participation of Primary Care physicians, work doctors, nurses, or other specialties. Differences are observed by age, gender, and cultural level both in the demand for care and in the choice of specialist. It is important to take into account the percentage of patients who have no medical control.

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