CUT-UP CITYEl ready-made como experimento urbano
- Blanes Pérez, Eduardo
- Lazcano López, Jesús
- López Ujaque, José Manuel
- Navarro Jover, Luis
- Salcedo Sánchez, Esteban
ISSN: 2341-0515
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Pages: 61-75
Type: Article
More publications in: [i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio
CUT-UP is a term coined by the American writer William S. Burroughs based on the juxtaposition of passages from the own works and also from others in order to re-assemble the random fragments generating completly new senses and meanings. Moved to architecture, the purpose of this operation would be to define strategies, using existing forms, to realise completely different effects. So, we can say that the notions of originality, and even creation, so present in our culture, could be understood in a more freely and unprejudiced way.
Bibliographic References
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