Evolución de la formación no institucional de los maestros en España

  1. Granados Alós, Lucía
  2. Aparisi Sierra, David
  3. José Ángel Poves Jiménez
Transformando la educación a través del conocimiento
  1. Esteve-Faubel, José-María (coord.)
  2. Fernández-Sogorb, Aitana (coord.)
  3. Martinez-Roig, Rosabel (coord.)
  4. Alvarez-Herrero, Juan-Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-19506-73-3

Year of publication: 2022

Pages: 526-535

Type: Book chapter


The training of teachers took on a formal character with the approval of the First Ordinances of the Brotherhood of San Casiano by Royal Provision of February 11, 1668. Thus began a period that was characterized by the guild training model for the Masters of the Art of Reading., Write and Count, which began under the tutelage of a qualified teacher as in any other profession. In the present work, the evolution of this formative model is analyzed throughout its period of validity, marked by the three main Ordinances by which the Brotherhood was governed, 1668, 1695 and 1705 and the last period already with a more academic model. with the transformation of the Brotherhood/Congregation into an Academic College (1780). The four models are compared in which the evolution of the teaching of the first letters can be appreciated to adapt to social dynamics and their new needs, as well as the resistance of some social sectors to the socialization of this teaching. The Brotherhood of San Casiano emerged in order to defend the interests of its members, support their families in case of need, avoid unfair competition by false teachers, establish the rules for setting up a school and train future teachers.