Julio Cortázar, hijo de su tiempoapuntes sobre el contexto histórico-cultural de su poética

  1. Aznar Pérez, Mario 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia y Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Cartaphilus: revista de investigación y crítica estética
  1. Saura Clares, Alba (coord.)
  2. Guerrero Llorente, Isabel (coord.)

ISSN: 1887-5238

Ano de publicación: 2016

Título do exemplar: Violencia y teatro : perspectivas de la representación violenta en escena

Número: 14

Páxinas: 1-16

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Cartaphilus: revista de investigación y crítica estética


This study proposes a recon- struction of the historical-cultural context in which the poetics of the Argentine writer Julio Cortazar begins to develop. For this, the first half of the twentieth century goes through paying special at- tention to the artistic avant-garde movements that influenced both his writ- ing. The article is thus divided into three epigraphs that distinguish, first of all, a markedly iconoclastic era in which the surrealist boom takes place; Second, the post-war period, more reflexive, in which the existentialist movement develops; And finally, a section that explains the relationship of those years with Latin America and the figure and work of Julio Cortázar. Both the structural division of the article and the historical periodiza- tion are of a clearly methodological na- ture, and we do not believe it necessary to note in the text that they do not give much or less of a net form, but that the different artistic movements, historical events and national realities Suffer fre- quent and fruitful transfers, as can be seen reading the “cosmopolitan” writer who was and is Julio Cortázar

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