Violencia de géneroinstrumentalización de los/as niños/as según victimas y agresores

  1. Lucia Simina 1
  2. Catalina Marín-Talón 1
  3. José Antonio Ruiz- Hernández 1
  4. David Pina 1
  5. Esteban Puente-López 1
  6. Carmen Godoy-Fernández 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Ciencia psicológica al servicio de la justicia y la ley
  1. Luis Rodríguez Franco (coord.)
  2. Dolores Seijo (coord.)
  3. Francisca Fariña (coord.)

Editorial: Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense

ISBN: 978-84-125553-3-2

Ano de publicación: 2022

Páxinas: 207-220

Congreso: Congreso Internacional de psicología jurídica y forense (13. 2021. Vigo)

Tipo: Achega congreso


Objective: The manipulation of minors in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) conflicts is aninvisible reality because most studies have focused on victims. Few studies have takeninto account the perspective of victims and aggressors on the involvement of minors inIPV, being this the main objective of our study. Method: In order to achieve thisobjective, a qualitative design was used through focus groups and thematic analysis with15 female victims, users of the Care Center for Women Victims of Intimate PartnerViolence, and 15 male aggressors convicted and admitted to a penitentiary center for IPV.Results: From our results, we can extract that the victims provide information on theways in which aggressors use their children as a tool in the conflicts with their partners,associated with the power asymmetry in the family structure, perception of superiority orcontrol over the partner through threats or mistreatment of the children if the victimdenounces. The aggressors report problems in maintaining the relationship with theirchildren due to a lack of collaboration from the victims and question the care provided bythe mothers. Conclusions: Our study provides evidence on the use of children in theprocess of intimate partner violence, being direct or indirect victims in IPV processes.