Cordón de Memoriala identidad como palabra clave
- Albar, Javier 1
- Martínez-Vérez, María Victoria 2
- López-Méndez, Lorena 3
- Pallarès-Piquer, Marc 4
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 2 UNED (sede La Coruña).
- 3 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 4 Universitat Jaume I.
ISSN: 1695-8403, 2254-7592
Año de publicación: 2022
Número: 13
Páginas: 21-37
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)
This article compiles the results of the artistic project Memory Cord (Cordón de Memoria), referring to the traits that distinguish us as unique and equalise us as a species. The main objective is to investigate the construction of the self in relation to the world. This project is part of the master’s degree in Art Education in Social and Cultural Institutions, which aims to establish links between artistic expression, as a mediating tool, and the reality in which university students will develop their skills, generating applicable horizontal learning in their professional performance. The project starts with a bibliographical review aimed at determining the differences between the concepts of Id-entity (identification) and Id-ethic (similarity). The result of this bibliographic analysis shows a pattern of vital milestones common to the species, but at the same time a divergence with respect to the meaning given to them by the social factors. Subsequently, in order to represent and analyse the identity processes of the participants, two expressive techniques are used in combination: creative writing and monotype; and two research techniques: documentary observation and qualitative panel analysis. The results of this study show how, within the framework of the life cycle, people carry out differential learning that determines identity.
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