Diseño, implementación y evaluación de un programa formativo en la empresa en el marco de la formación profesional dual

  1. Tolino Fernández-Henarejos, Ana Carmen
Supervised by:
  1. María Ángeles Hernández Prados Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 29 September 2022

  1. Pedro Jurado de los Santos Chair
  2. María Paz García Sanz Secretary
  3. Carolina Fernández-Salinero Miguel Committee member

Type: Thesis


In recent times there have been incessant and continuous social, political and economic changes, health, war conflicts, etc., which have had a significant impact on the social and economic spheres. These social, labour and economic artifices and reconfigurations are also reflected in the field of education and have had a considerable impact on the adaptation of new educational policies, social and labor for professional performance and economic activity to emerge through the support of the community as a whole. The new scenarios demand educational models committed and involved in activating the labour market and in the commitment to create competent and competitive human capital, able to face the convulsive challenges that arise. The difficulties in assuming future roles according to the studies carried out by the students, and the uncertainties in the processes of collaboration between educational institutions in the social and labor world forge this research of own and innovative character. The doctoral thesis that the reader has in his hands is framed in the new vocational training, specifically in the Dual Vocational education and training (VET), encouraging training for education, the economy and the qualification of the population. This is demonstrated by the various legislation recently. The study is a response to the first VET research within training companies, they do not cease to be the cradle of new professionals with regard to professional practice in real working environments and the acquisition of skills that are only achieved within them. The intervention is based on the cycle of socio-educational intervention presented by García-Sanz (2012) and is forged in an innovative VET program that has been designed, implemented and evaluated in the company. Repsol is one of the most suitable companies to carry out this study because it was one of the first to join the VET, its experiences, programs, agents, large number of training programs, etc. constitute an educational challenge that needed to be studied. The research is developed specifically in the Region of Murcia (Cartagena Refinery) in the specialty of industrial chemistry. The participants of the program were the students and tutors who formed the 2016-2018 promotion (18 students and two company tutors), corresponding to the third promotion of which the company is the architect. This study is situated in the mixed evaluation paradigm, with a holistic perspective. It is considered multi-methods, ten instruments have been applied to collect information from quantitative and qualitative approaches: two questionnaires, an interview, a discussion group and the rest are instruments to evaluate learning outcomes. The study starts from the analysis of needs prior to the two promotions formed by Repsol. The general objective of the research is "To improve the training of students in the dual-modality industrial chemistry upper-level training cycle, through the design, implementation and evaluation of a programme in the company, focused on the acquisition and development of skills and professional qualification". The preliminary results indicate the need to implement and systematize, in addition to evaluating the teaching learning process in companies to ensure efficiency and quality. It appears that 83.3 per cent of students achieved remarkable learning outcomes. The lowest grades are found when students must solve problems, make decisions or face the real environment. Students excel in disciplinary attitudes and standards of conduct, and to a lesser extent, leadership and proactivity. The professionalism and experience of the tutors and the positive attitude as essential companions in the educational-work process are emphasized. The work concludes with areas of improvement and strengths necessary to implement in FPD and opens up future research that positions the training company as one of the protagonists in the teaching process learning new professionals and, of their professional future in order to obtain adequate skills and qualifications that support early employment.