Análisis de la Musicoterapia en las Universidades Españolas

  1. Vivancos Belmonte, Antonia
Dirigida per:
  1. José Ibáñez Barrachina Director/a
  2. José Antonio Clemente Buhlal Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 11 de de febrer de 2022

  1. Francisco Javier Corbalán Berná President/a
  2. Alfonso López Ruiz Secretari
  3. Flávia Heloísa Dos Santos Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


This research was planned bearing in mind the recent expansion of music therapy during last decades, as a branch of knowledge, focusing at the university level. In music therapy, music therapists -qualified professionals- work to improve the life quality of patients-users using the entire sound-musical context as a tool. The hypothesis of this research started from the premise that music therapy is a discipline with a presence at the Spanish universities and they are analyzed and valued the training options offered around this branch of knowledge on the Spanish educational system. The data reveal surprising results regarding the percentages of universities that currently incorporate some type of teaching in this matter. It has been carried out a categorization of it according to its typology: first, if it is obtained an own or official title, after which the classification by number has been deepened ECT: master, degree, subject, diploma, certificate, expert or course. In addition, it has valued the development at the level of training in doctoral studies by means of the number of theses read whose theme is directly linked to music therapy. It has been compiled which department assumes in each of the universities the studies of music therapy offered. The financing of the University. This doctoral thesis analyzes the official study plans in music therapy in Spain, with regard to the subjects taught, as well as the workload in ECT. This research reveals the presence of music therapy in Spain and provides precision to its current level of expansion in educational institutions higher level: universities. A society that grows, knowledge that develops: today, every time to a greater extent, the fields of science are broadened. Fields take center stage in which we were little aware of its worth decades ago.