Test de flexibilidad en gimnasia rítmicaValidez y fiabilidad para practicantes de 7 a 11 años

  1. Montosa, I.
  2. Salas-Morillas, A.
  3. Vernetta, M.
Trances: Transmisión del conocimiento educativo y de la salud

ISSN: 1989-6247

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 14

Issue: 6

Pages: 961-983

Type: Article

More publications in: Trances: Transmisión del conocimiento educativo y de la salud


Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) is a sport characterized by a high level of technical difficulty and physical demands. Among all those demands, this work focuses on flexibility. The main objective was to verify the validity, inter-rater reliability and test-retest reliability of four specific tests to measure the flexibility of different joints. Validity was determined by the Content Validity Ratio, the inter-rater reliability analysis, and the Test-Retest reliability of each test was calculated by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The results show that the content validity index of the four tests is valid. The ICC showed values greater than 0.95, with an excellent degree of interobserver agreement, and all the flexibility tests showed an acceptable level of Test-Retest reliability. It can be stated that the four flexibility tests evaluated are valid and reliable to apply to basic level gymnasts.

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