Análisis de la normativa de la UE y la jurisprudencia del TJUE en materia de conciliación de la vida personal, familiar y laboral

  1. Juaristi Besalduch, Elena
Dirigida per:
  1. Ruth de María Abril Stoffels Directora
  2. Susana Sanz Caballero Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad CEU - Cardenal Herrera

Fecha de defensa: 23 de de febrer de 2015

  1. Jorge Cardona Llorens President/a
  2. Manuel Martínez Sospedra Secretari/ària
  3. Israel Biel Portero Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


ABSTRACT The present doctoral dissertation ¿ Analysis of the European Union (EU) rules and the case-law established by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in matter of work-life balance- has been written within the European Union Law. It focuses on how the EU rules have been dealing with this matter along its history as well as how this issue is protected and fostered by the CJEU when it applies and interprets these rules. Identifying the possible shortage of these tools, as well as identifying their possible vices and defects is absolutely relevant and can be really useful for society. Thus, a contribution here is intended in order to reach a better solution to combine the different aspects of the private life and, consequently, improve all those areas affected to a greater or lesser extent by the work-life balance. What is it to be understood by work-life balance? Which elements define this reality? How is this necessity ruled from the EU? How have these regulations evolved? Which ends are behind these regulations? Does the way this issue has been covered keep the traditional sexual division of labour between men and women? Or which role does the CJEU play in this respect? These are some of the questions to which, to a greater or lesser extent, the present dissertation answers