El empoderamiento de las familias de niños con autismo en tiempos de COVID: el caso de las Islas Canarias
- Miriam Oliva Metola
- Roberto Hernández-Soto
- Noelia Orcajada
- Mónica Gutiérrez-Ortega
ISSN: 2254-5883
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 11
Pages: 73-86
Type: Article
More publications in: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa
One aspect that may be particularly important to understand how to support families of children with ASD is family empowerment. The objective is to analyze the level of empowerment of families with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Canary Islands, taking into account the influence of the type of practices carried out in the Early Intervention services in which they participate. The FES Scale (Family Empowerment Scale) validated for Spain has been used since it assesses the empowerment of families with children with developmental delay or at risk of suffering it. A descriptive, non-experimental qualitative study was carried out. The study focused on families with children with ASD living in the Canary Islands (Spain) with a total of 33 families participating. The study was carried out in a situation of COVID pandemic and home confinement. Similar scores were obtained, possibly due to the moment of confinement, families with a family-centered practice approach obtained higher scores in the family subscale, which directly influences their perceived empowerment.
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