Las mujeres desde el marcola doble visión de las mujeres en la imagen artística y la cultura visual

  1. Martínez Cano, Silvia
Dossiers feministes

ISSN: 1139-1219 2340-4930

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Titel der Ausgabe: Salir del camino. Creación y seducciones feministas

Nummer: 18

Seiten: 227-243

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Dossiers feministes


Female body has been protagonist of figurative art in Europe history. He has been featured as objetual construction, in which women were determined by the look of men who possessed a controlled identity, precise and homogeneous. In the XXI century, we are witnessing a rise in massive presence in the media image of women. Again, it shows the female body as observable object, giving an external identity that is at the mercy of the dominant subject and proposed hypersexualized female images. When women are photographed recreate these contradictions, creating uncertainties and situations that break alienating identity. The photography exposes the difficulties of women stand in front of themselves and define their own identity. We asked women of different ages and backgrounds have photographed and asking them to show what they want to expose your body as defining elements of their own identity. We wanted it to reflect on the need to allow women to be active subjects of their own personal identity and to built female and plural icons.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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