La publicidad en el aula de Lengua Castellana y Literatura en Enseñanza Secundaria en Españaretos y desafíos

  1. López Pena, Zósimo
Lenguaje y textos

ISSN: 1133-4770 2530-0075

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 45

Pages: 89-100

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4995/LYT.2017.7365 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Lenguaje y textos

Sustainable development goals


Advertising plays a significant role in our daily lives. If adults often experience difficulties in identifying and evaluating this type of information, we wonder what tools secondary school pupils, educated in Spain, have at their disposal in order to detect such messages, which may have an impact on their development as cit-izens. The main objective of this paper is to review the way in which education on advertising is dealt with in secondary education, specifically focusing on the subject of Spanish language and literature, and to sug-gest a series of proposals and challenges with the aim of improving teaching on advertising in this phase. In order to do so, we have carried out a review of both the Spanish language and literature curriculum in Spain and the current scientific literature on the application of advertising in the classroom. Based on the various shortcomings detected, we suggest a series of innovative directions to allow for an improvement in education regarding the media and to produce a more critical attitude among the citizens of the future.

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