Recuperación de las causas materiales en la Educación Socialontología de sujeto ante el ejercicio transformador en las sociedades neoliberales
- José Antonio Llosa 1
- Sara Menéndez-Espina 2
- Esteban Agulló-Tomás 1
- María Luz Rivero-Díaz 1
Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla
ISSN: 1698-9007
Argitalpen urtea: 2022
Zenbakien izenburua: La Educación Social acompañando a las infancias
Zenbakia: 34
Orrialdeak: 208-221
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: RES : Revista de Educación Social
This article intends an ontological exercise from symbolic interactionism in the framework of Social Education, which allows a notion of subject necessary to analyze the academic, interventionist and political role of the discipline. With this objective, an analysis of the interpretation of inequalities is presented from two thriving philosophical currents: the analysis of the symbolic causes and the politics of recognition, and the analysis of the material causes and the redistributive politics. It is considered that social education needs to open a debate between redistribution and recognition within the discipline, since it determines, first of all, the purpose of its professional practice; second, because the pragmatic nature of Social Education as an academic discipline can generate an important contribution to the dilemma presented. In conclusion, the influence of globalization on the theoretical, political and technical development of social intervention is exposed. For this reason, banishing essentialist notions of the subject is necessary to maintain the transforming character of Social Education.