Políticas públicas de participación e ideología políticael caso de la ciudad de Madrid

  1. Jimenez Romera, Gemma
  1. Antonia González Salcedo Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko urria-(a)k 08

  1. Belén Morata García de la Puerta Presidentea
  2. Cristina Moreno Idazkaria
  3. Karim Ahmed Mohamed Kidea

Mota: Tesia


This doctoral thesis is based on the following investigation question: does the ideology of the government influence in the establishment of different citizen participation models? In order to answer this question, a minacious analysis on one specific case is made in the city of Madrid in two different politics stage, which were governed from two different Political groups. The stages legislature of this analysis is 2011-2015, leaded by "Partido Popular", and 2015-2019 where a relevant change is made when a new Politic group, called "Ahora Madrid", reach the Mayoral level. This scenario allows us to analyze the participatory politics of both Political groups, with a deep explaining of each difference through the analysis of our variable studies. The initial question and our theorical statements will be answered through the study of these stages and their mechanisms of participation working with qualitative techniques such us deep interview, debate groups and participant observation. The results of this job, based in a wide group of variables, shown that both Political groups have established different participative models. In Madrid, on the stage governed by "Partido Popular", some bureaucratic models have been set, while "Ahora Madrid" govern is establishing a representative and participative models.