La robótica educativa desde las áreas STEAM en educación infantilUna revisión sistemática de la literatura (2005-2021)

  1. Raposo-Rivas, Manuela 1
  2. García-Fuentes, Olalla 1
  3. Martínez-Figueira, María-Esther
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


Prisma Social: revista de investigación social

ISSN: 1989-3469

Année de publication: 2022

Titre de la publication: Critical Thinking, Creativity and Computational Thinking in the Digital Society

Número: 38

Pages: 94-113

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social


The demand for a more scientifically focused education places educational robotics as an important element for the development of STEAM areas. This work presents a review of the literature, following the parameters of the PRISMA Declaration, with the aim of characterizing the scientific production related to the use of robotics from those STEAM areas in Early Childhood Education. A search was carried out in international databases (WOS, Scopus and Eric) and in the Dialnet bibliographic portal. 276 studies on the subject were identified. After applying the eligibility criteria, 36 studies have been selected. The results show that more than half of the studies (54%) are experimental, developing 89% in the school environment. Only 19.4% of the works develop purely STEAM projects, commercial robotics being the predominant use. There are no evidence of differences in the access and development of skills due to gender. Computational thinking is presented as a necessary skill that can be developed from early levels. The conclusions help generate specific information on the use of educational robotics, allowing the educational community to show the progress of current scientific production in this area.

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