Análisis del uso de las estrategias de memoria a lo largo de la vidaaplicación del test de estrategias de memoria

  1. Abellan Martinez, Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Maestú Unturbe Director
  2. Miguel Ángel Castellanos López Director
  3. María Luisa Delgado Losada Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 16 February 2022

  1. Javier González Marqués Chair
  2. Aurora Suengas Goenetxea Secretary
  3. Elena Bernabeu Brotons Committee member
  4. Pilar Martín Plasencia Committee member
  5. Unai Díaz Orueta Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 157910 DIALNET


Scientific evidence has pointed to a progressive decline of cognitive functions throughout the aging process. The concern about effective cognitive functioning not only appears in advanced age, but also in those adults’ showing difficulties in cognitive behaviour, such as memory or executive functions. In order to improve those cognitive functions (emphasis in memory), the usage of specific memory strategies along with a healthy lifestyle will promote a better level of cognitive reserve. Although one of the most frequent health complaints caused by aging is related to poor memory, it is still unclear whether loss of memory impedes recall, or whether this is also due to poorly organized information.The general aim of this investigation was to study performance in a task that evaluates memory and executive functions through the Test of Memory Strategies (TMS) in order to observe how the usage of memory strategies change at different stages of life and detect possible variations in aging. In addition, the specific aims were to investigate the importance of the effect of primacy and recency in the TMS, to study the relationship of TMS with other tests that evaluates memory and executive functions, and also, to analyze the role of cognitive reserve on these tests...