Representación de las mujeres en la prensa deportiva española: discursos de género en los diarios digitales durante los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016

  1. Salido-Fernández, Juana
Dirixida por:
  1. Ana M. Muñoz Muñoz Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 25 de marzo de 2022

  1. Cándida Martínez López Presidente/a
  2. Jordi Alberich Pascual Secretario
  3. Zelda Alice Franceschi Vogal
  4. María Carreras Goicoechea Vogal
  5. José Antonio Frías Montoya Vogal

Tipo: Tese


This study aims to find out if there is inequality in the amount of information about both sexes in the news about the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in relation to the participation of the sexes and the obtaining of medals, but it also seeks to delve the differences in representation, as well as in the speeches that these newspapers transmit according to the sex of their protagonists. To carry out these objectives, this research performs a first multi-methodological content analysis, which allows combining quantitative and qualitative approaches (Cantón et al., 2002), through the collection of reiterative patterns that provide reliability when generalizing the conclusions about the results obtained. Also, qualitative approaches offer a greater level of depth, induction and reflection of the results (Neuendorf, 2004). For the quantitative dimension, a study is carried out of all the news published in the four Spanish digital newspapers with the highest number of readers (Marca, As, Mundo Deportivo and Sport) between July and September 2016, thus including the month prior to the celebration of the Rio 2016 Games, the proper Olympic period (from August 5 to 21), as well as the month after these, to find out if there are significant changes between the time of the competition and dates other than this. To do this, a complete scan has been carried out throughout the period described by the newspaper library and digital archive sections of each of these newspapers. In total, N=7634 informative units have been dumped, systematized and analyzed from 51 different analysis variables, which have been organized around three blocks, one related to informative units, another to semiotic resources and the last to the protagonists of the information, using the statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 24 for their coding and analysis. After completing this first general descriptive analysis and once the results obtained have been reviewed, it is proposed to deepen the study of the news through qualitative research through discursive analysis. Therefore, a selection of the information units is made through stratified random sampling following pre-established parameters to ensure that the sample of the population to be analyzed was as varied and representative as possible and focused on the days of Olympic competition and strictly sports information.