Uso problemático de las TIC en la adolescencia

  1. Díaz López, Adoración
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Javier J. Maquilón Sánchez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Ana Belén Mirete Ruiz Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 10 von Oktober von 2021

  1. Pedro Miralles Martínez Präsident/in
  2. Alicia Peñalva Vélez Sekretär/in
  3. Ana Sofia Martins Silva Freire Dos Santos Raposo Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The use of ICT during adolescence is a normalized fact. In recent years, ICTs have acquired a fundamental role in the academic and social life of adolescents. Their power of attraction and the vulnerable condition of puberty are raising growing concern, compounded by the imminent consequences of problematic use. In order to delve into this problem, the following research objectives are formulated: 1) Analyze the reliability and construct validity of the Ud-TIC questionnaire; 2) Analyze the frequency of use of ICT at a general level, according to gender, age and region; 3) Analyze the experiences related to the problematic use of ICT at a general level and according to gender and course; 4) Establish profiles for the use of ICT; 5) Analyze family supervision, identify the supervising adult and the Internet access schedule, at a general level and according to age and gender; 6) Assess states of stress and nervousness when there is no access to the network at a general level and according to gender and age; 7) Describe social skills at a general level and according to the skill modality; 8) Analyze the academic performance of adolescents, as well as their perception of it at a general level and according to gender, course and region; 9) Assess the relationship between the frequency of use of ICT, stress, social skills, attitude towards study and academic results; 10) Assess family supervision as a mediator of the frequency of ICT use and stress. Regarding the method, the design was quantitative, non-experimental, survey type. The sample consisted of 1,101 adolescents from 10 educational centers in the Southeast of Spain. To collect information, the Maladaptive Use of ICT (Ud-ICT) questionnaire was designed and validated. In the data analysis, a descriptive analysis of the sample was performed, calculating the central tendency indices. Next, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) normality test was performed, which concluded that the sample did not follow a normal or symmetric distribution (p≤, 05), so non-parametric tests were applied. The Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis were used. To establish relationships between variables, contingency tables and Pearson's Chi square were used to determine the existence of significant relationships. Cramer's V test was used to assess the magnitude of statistically significant associations. A hierarchical Cluster analysis and the calculation of the one-way ANOVA test were also performed. The results showed that more than 60% of adolescents use ICT without supervision and that one in three feels stressed in the absence of the Internet. In addition, statistically significant relationships were found between the frequency of ICT use and stress. A solution of three groups or use profiles was obtained, which placed the percentage of adolescents with maladaptive use or signs of it at 45%. Likewise, more than 50% of students believe that they would spend more time studying if they did not have continuous access to technologies and 20% identify them as responsible for the deterioration of their academic performance. Statistically significant relationships were found between time limitations for Internet access and academic performance. It concludes by warning that it is urgent to design preventive strategies and interventions aimed at promoting the proper use of ICTs, training adolescents in responsible and safe consumption, without forgetting the main actors involved in this challenge, the families.