La comunicación en la internacionalización de la pequeña y mediana empresa

  1. Gómez Nieto, Begoña
Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK

ISSN: 0717-2508

Argitalpen urtea: 2005

Zenbakia: 10

Orrialdeak: 95-106

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK


Since Spain entered the process of globalization within the European market, small and medium sized enterprises are immersed in a crisis that forces the country to move into wider markets. This is why an increasing number of small and medium sized enterprises have initiated exporting activities, whilst others have been forced to it. Given the increasing competence in the national markets, the aforementioned process regarding internationalisation of small and medium sized enterprises is perceived as an opportunity for expanding. Although this process has risks and difficulties, the communication tools used by the companies are an important element in this process, and must be used according to the available resources. In this paper, we analyze since theoretical viewpoint the aforementioned process regarding internationalisation of small and medium sized enterprises and how is conducted the communication in the Spanish SME¿s. Key Words: Internationalisation, Small and medium sized enterprises (SME¿s), Communication tools.