Smartphone y redes sociales para el desarrollo de competencias mediáticas y digitales en niños y adolescentes:
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 0210-2773
Año de publicación: 2018
Título del ejemplar: Educación mediática y generación app, nuevos retos, nuevaspropuestas
Volumen: 47
Número: 3
Páginas: 281-290
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Aula abierta
The high penetration of smartphones, especially among children and adolescents has allowed the access to this public to social networks, which have become important areas of socialization for them. Used as mechanisms for participation, integration and social interaction, social networks are used by children and adolescents as natural scenarios in their development. The aim of this work has been to offer a pedagogical approach to the study of social networks, as communicative and competence development spaces, presenting a case study of network. The choice of this social network is justified by the fact that among its 200 million users, the majority are adolescents and children between 11 and 16 years old. The methodology used for the study was a qualitative analysis of content based on the theories of mediated communication. Based on the study of the media structure of the network, as well as the actions it allows, this work provides evidence of the relationship that exists between the actions carried out when using the social network with the competence development of media and digital literacy, opening an interesting field of research that proposes social networks as learning tools
Información de financiación
Este trabajo está avalado por el Proyecto I+D+I, titulado “Competencias mediáticas de la ciudadanía en medios digitales emergentes (smartphones y tablets): prácticas innovadoras y estrategias educomunicativas en contextos múltiples” con clave EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España.Financiadores
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R
European Regional Development Fund
- EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R
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