Influence of cultural and religious traditions on local residents perspective toward ecotourism developmenta case study of Lisar, Irán

  1. Shafiezadeh Nomandan, Esrafil
Dirixida por:
  1. Jafar Jafari Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Fecha de defensa: 24 de xullo de 2015

  1. Enrique Ortega Martínez Presidente/a
  2. Ana Esperanza Quintana Jiménez Secretario/a
  3. José Manuel Saiz Álvarez Vogal
  4. Trinidad Cortés Puya Vogal
  5. Marta Plumed Lasarte Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 455393 DIALNET


Ecotourism is recognised in the litrature as a promising strategy for development and for improving the quilty of life of local communities in general and in less developed countries in particular.The investigation of local residents' perspectives on ecotourism development is of great interest to both academics and environmentalisms, especially in the remote protected area. However, indigenous’ view and their participations in the development and operation of ecotourism is a crucial issue. Few studies have explored the host residents' perceptions regarding visitors' attitude toward local people and their traditions, and how their views can influence ecotourism development. Using a quatitataive research approach, the case study reported here focused on Lisar, a protected area in the northen part of Iran. This thesis evaluates local residents' perspectives on ecotourism development in the Subatan a mountain village of Lisar. Located in the west part of Lisar, the village is considerd an important location or destination for ecotourism in Iran. The indigenous people in Subatan are typically religious(Muslim), with cultural and religious traditions are central to their daily lives. This case study aims to examine the relationship among cultural traditions, religious traditions, and demographic variables and residents' perspectives on ecotourism development in Subatan. The study asserts that ecotourism exerts influence on traditions and lifestyle of local residents and influences their perspectives on its development and operation. It concludes with contextualized recommendataions for possible implementation by the private and public sectors