Comprensión cualitativa de la percepción de las comunidades locales sobre el papel de los inversores en turismo extranjero en la mitigación de la pobreza en los países de desarrolloel caso de Livingston, Zambia

  1. Trinidad Cortés Puya Zuzendaria
  2. Joseph Elizer Mbaiwa Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 14

  1. Ainhoa Marín Egoscozábal Presidentea
  2. Clara Martín Duque Idazkaria
  3. Ana Isabel Muñoz Mazón Kidea
  4. Yolanda Rodríguez Luengo Kidea
  5. Laura Fuentes Moraleda Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 501371 DIALNET


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has widely been considered as an important tool for economic development in many developing countries around the world, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. One of the industries in which FDI has played a key role is tourism; many developing countries have been developing the tourism industry, because of its attractiveness and ability to bring in the much-needed foreign direct investment and the industry’s capabilities to contributing to poverty alleviation in destination areas. The driving force behind FDI in the tourism industry is because many local communities do not have enough resource capacity required to invest in such infrastructures, as building hotels and conference centres, therefore, FDI is one sure way to get such investments. However, despite the growing importance of FDI in tourism for the developing countries and its perceived contribution to economic development in the destination, there has been limited empirical impact studies that have been done on the role that foreign tourism investors play in contributing to poverty alleviation in areas where they invest which has led to misconception about FDI among local communities in developing countries.