Abordaje de la hipercolesterolemia en planes y estrategias de salud en España: estado actual y propuestas de futuro

  1. M. Urtaran-Laresgoiti
  2. R. Nuño-Solinís
  3. E. Urizar
  4. L. Pérez de Isla
  5. P. Mata
  6. I. Leguina
Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra

ISSN: 1137-6627

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 44

Número: 3

Páxinas: 339-350

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra


Background. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death worldwide and Hypercholesterolemia (HC) is an important cardiovascular risk factor. In Spain, approximately 25% of middle-aged adults suffer from HC. Our objective was to analyse current health strategies and plans in Spain related to CVD and HC in order to define possible future courses of action to bring about better control from a health management and policy perspective. Methods. The study was observational and descriptive. In the first step, a literature review was carried out, followed by six semi structured interviews. In the second step, a group of 12 experts in the field identified existing barriers to HC control and suggested ways to reduce premature mortality due to CVD. Results. A total of 51 documents were identified, of which 43% referred to HC. There was a high variability at the regional level in the implementation of measures and initiatives for the control of HC. Barriers that were identified were : trivialization of HC, lack of active participation by key stakeholders, lack of understanding of the impact of HC, existing care models and pathways, and short-term health policies that limit the provision of resources for HC care and control. Conclusion. Despite the considerable medical and socioeconomic burden of CVD and HC in Spain, the importance of HC is not reflected in health policies. There is a lack of HC control measures, even when they are shown to be highly feasible and beneficial. This article proposes specific measures to improve control of this issue.

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