Factores incidentes en el profesorado para la elección del aprendizaje invertido como referente metodológico

  1. Pozo Sánchez, Santiago 1
  2. López Belmonte, Jesús 1
  3. Fuentes Cabrera, Arturo 1
  4. López Núñez, Juan Antonio 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449


ISSN: 0211-819X 2014-8801

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Profesionalización y empleabilidad: una relación necesaria

Volume: 57

Issue: 1

Pages: 223-240

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5565/REV/EDUCAR.1152 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Educar

Sustainable development goals


This study analyses factors that influence teachers’ decision to use or rule out flipped learning as a methodology; specifically, the scope of the subject, the educational stage, the type of institution and the level of continuing education. The research is based on a nonexperimental and quantitative descriptive and correlational design. A validated, ad hoc questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument in a sample of 642 teachers from various educational institutions in Spain. The results reflect that the use of flipped learning as a didactic methodology is very rare, mainly due to teachers’ lack of knowledge about how the methodology works and the scarcity of techno-pedagogical resources where they teach. Flipped learning is primarily used for teaching topics related to language and mathematics in secondary and higher education, particularly in private and state-funded private schools with respect to public ones. Likewise, specific training in flipped learning was found to be a determining factor for the applicability of the methodology, regardless of the level of training in other active methodologies.

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