Reconstrucción del Patrimonio a través del DibujoInvestigación e hipótesis visual sobre 17 fragmentos de los frescos murales del Peinador de la Reina en la Alhambra

  1. Puerto Fernández, María Isabel
Dirigida per:
  1. Asunción Jódar Miñarro Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 15 de de juny de 2021

  1. Francisco Sánchez-Montes González President/a
  2. María del Carmen Hidalgo Rodríguez Secretari/ària
  3. M. Angeles Diaz Barbado Vocal
  4. M. Carmen Lloret Ferrándiz Vocal
  5. Massimo Mazzone Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The hereby research does an exhaustive study about the mural paintings of the Queen´s Dressing Room1. The Alhambra court room in Granada is at the top of the tower Abu–l–Hayyay. It was painted between 1539 and 1545 by two Italian artists: Julio de Aquiles and Alexander Mayner. It shows an exquisite iconography suitable to Christian taste with mythological scenes, allegories, naval scenes and grotesques elements. The mural paintings of the Queen´s Dressing Room are considered one of the most important Spanish Renaissance works of art for the pictorial wealth, for the iconographic representation and for the artistic quality. However, the passing of time, the climatological agents, the abandonment of the Spanish monarchy, the bad conduct of the travellers in the Nasrid monument, and other factors, have caused the partial disappearance of the frescoes. Thus, the main objective of this research is to show the study carried out about the mural paintings of the Queen´s Dressing Room, and the reconstruction through artistic drawings of some fragments of these paintings. In this way, a visual hypotheses is created to help us to understand how the paintings could have been in their original state, and it contributes to the documentation of these rooms to improve the knowledge about the Alhambra.