Multimodalidad, emoción y publicidad. Un estudio empírico sobre Youtube
- Calderón-Garrido, Diego 1
- Gustems-Carnicer, Josep 2
- Martín-Piñol, Carolina 2
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Universitat de Barcelona
ISSN: 1697-8293
Datum der Publikation: 2017
Titel der Ausgabe: Las comunicaciones en el nuevo paradigma de marketing. Experiencias, relevancia, engagement y personalización
Ausgabe: 15
Nummer: 2
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Icono14
Advertising is seduction tool in which music acts as a reinforcement in the attraction that the future user will feel about a product, organization or service. This paper presents the results of an empirical study conducted at the University of Barcelona, the emotions evoked by music and images have been analysed out of a sample consisting of the 10 most played advertising spots on the Youtube platform in 2014. For this, the help of 31 Image & Sound Media students has been key, for they have viewed and randomized them in three different moments; on a first phase, only images were displayed; afterwards, they only listened to the sound; and thirdly, they viewed everything together. For the analysis of the emotions evoked after the viewing, a measurement tool based on 2DES (Two Dimensional Emotions Space) was used, as well as the Emotion Space Lab. The results point at different feedback at an emotion level, depending on the perception channel used, and its contribution regarding the emotional content. The intermodal manifestations preferred by the participants pointed out. The efficiency of the musical and sound parameters in the emotional content is determined (tempo, intensity, tone, silences, voices, styles, etc.), which would confirm previous studies in this field.
Informationen zur Finanzierung
Este trabajo ha sido financiado mediante las Ayudas de la Agrupación en Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Barcelona (A.R.C.E., convocatoria 2015)Geldgeber
- Universidad de Barcelona Spain
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