La música como vehículo de formación ética en los jóvenes

  1. Sánchez González, María Gemma
Supervised by:
  1. Eulalio Fernández Sánchez Director
  2. Rafael Robina Ramírez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 10 September 2021

  1. Carmen Galán Rodríguez Chair
  2. Chantal Pérez Hernández Secretary
  3. Rafael López-Campos Bodineau Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 674393 DIALNET


The omnipotence and omnipresence of music in our lives is an unprecedented fact within a new emerging paradigm. Music, in all its variants, can be considered a facilitating tool for the formation of people's values from an early age and to satisfy basic social, emotional and evolutionary needs. On the other hand, the importance given to English as a foreign language and the influence of music in English on the most important music charts seems to generate social distance among students, a fact that can lead to an improvement in values. After all, music reflects values of society, created from needs with the purpose of establishing a series of norms and attitudes that represent each generation and that guide them through emotions, behavior and actions both on a personal and group level. Social. Today, the rapid technological era has contributed, in part, to the change of superficial needs based on immediate satisfaction, and therefore, has generated a crisis of ethical values at a global level. A clear example is given by the musical lyrics with explicit language that reflects moods, attitudes and behavior that differ, to a great extent, from those of past generations. However, the impact of music cannot be underestimated, as it can become a very useful instrument for promoting personal, family, environmental and transcendental values that will undoubtedly improve relationships of all kinds. Can music become the definitive ethical tool for the formation of young people? With the intention of measuring the impact of musical lyrics on human values and subsequent attitudes, activation of norms and behavior, and to promote music as an educational tool, a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, completed by 279 university students , and the use of the structural equation model (SEM-PLS) for the analysis of the resulting data, demonstrated the incalculable power of music to promote different ethical values