Genotipo de actn3 en nadadores españoles y su relación con la puntuación fina como indicador de rendimiento

  1. Laura de la Calle Pérez 1
  2. Germán Díaz Ureña 1
  3. Carlos Muniesa Ferrero 1
  1. 1 Universidad Europea de Madrid, España.
Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos

ISSN: 1989-841X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 19

Pages: 151-160

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos


A large amount of researches has shown that ACTN3 genotype is associated to high performance in sports, more specifically it is related to speed and explosive strength. The aim of this study was to analyze the relation between ACTN3 genotype and sports performance in swimming, expressed in FINA score. A total of 125 Spanish swimmers of senior category, 72 males (48 sprinters, 24 middle distance-long distance) and 53 females (29 sprinters, 24 middle distance-long distance) participated in this study. We did not found any relation between FINA score and the different ACTN3 genotypes, regardless the swimmers type. However, sprinters women with genotype RR show superior performance to those with genotype RX, and these more than the XX genotype.

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