El fútbol sala como sistema dinámico complejoEfectos de la manipulación de condicionantes de la tarea en el desempeño táctico del jugador

  1. Pizarro Mateo, David
Dirigida per:
  1. Alberto Moreno Domínguez Director/a
  2. Alba Práxedes Pizarro Codirector/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 24 de de juny de 2021

  1. Tomás García Calvo President/a
  2. Rafael Ballester Lengua Secretari/ària
  3. Hugo Folgado Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 669033 DIALNET


The main objective of this Thesis was to analyse the effect of the manipulation of task constraints (game principle and level of opposition) on the tactical performance of the futsal player in formative stages. For that, two investigations have been designed. In the first, an intervention program based on Non-Linear Pedagogy is developed, in order to analyze its effects on the variables of decision-making and execution in offensive actions (direct improvements) and defensive (indirect improvements). The results obtained highlight the need to implement programs based on NLP, as it has proven to be an appropriate theoretical framework to improve technical-tactical skills in futsal and provide professionals with important information on how they can better organize their training sessions and design representative tasks based on game phases. In the second investigation, an independent measures approach is developed under four experimental conditions, based on manipulating the use and positioning of the floater in modified 3vs3 games. In this sense, the effects of the positioning of the floater in small-sided games on tactical and physical performance are analyzed; and how this manipulation promotes changes in informational restrictions that support successful decisions in passing, dribbling and shooting actions. Consequently, this study improves the understanding of the effects of manipulating the position of floaters in modified games on physical, tactical and decision-making variables.