Restauración de la respuesta celular citotóxica específica en la infección crónica por virus de la hepatitis C mediante la modulación de vías inductoras de anergia y apoptosis

  1. Benito Martínez, Selma
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Ramón Larrubia Marfil Director
  2. Trinidad Parra Cid Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 31 January 2012

  1. Agustín Albillos Martínez Chair
  2. Manuel Rodríguez Zapata Secretary
  3. José María Ladero Quesada Committee member
  4. Oreste Lo Iacono Committee member
  5. José Antonio Solis Herrero Committee member

Type: Thesis


Background: During chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, HCV-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) lack adequate effector functions and fail to control HCV. This impairment could be related with programmed death-1 (PD-1) and interleukin (IL)-7 receptor (CD127) regulation. Engagement of PD-1 and its ligand, PD-L1, delivers a negative signal to the T cell receptor (TCR) activation pathways, avoiding proliferation and IL-2 production. On the other hand, CD127 plays an essential role in mature lymphocyte survival by counteracting apoptosis induction after antigen encounter through Bcl2-interacting mediator (Bim) down-regulation, enhancing IL-2 secretion and life span. Therefore, it could be possible that HCV infection could modulate PD-1 and CD127 expression in order to impair HCV-specific CTL reactivity through an induction of an anergic and pro-apoptotic state to favour viral persistence. Objectives: 1.- To describe HCV specific CTL response according to viral control, paying especial attention to PD-1 and CD127 expression. 2.- To analyse the effect of PD-1 and CD127 pathways modulation on HCV-specific CTL reactivity. Materials and Methods: Non-experimental cross-sectional analytical study. HCVspecific CTL frequency, proliferation, γ-IFN production, and PD-1/CD127 phenotypes (dependent variables) according to viral control (independent variable) were analysed. HLA-A2+ HCV infected patients were recruited and divided into two groups according to their serum HCV RNA and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels; defined as persistent infection (PI), and resolved infection (RI). Peripheral blood (PBMC) and intrahepatic (IHMC) mononuclear cells were obtained. Directly ex-vivo and after specific stimulation, HCV-specific CTL frequency against three immunodominant epitopes (NS31406-1415, NS31073-1081 y Core132-140) was tested using labelled pentameric HLAA2/peptide complexes (Pent). Afterwards, PD-1/CD127 and γ-IFN production on HCVspecific CTLs were analysed. HCV-specific CTL proliferation after specific in-vitro challenge in presence or absence of blocking anti-PD-L1 antibodies, to block PD-1/PDL1 pathway, and z-VAD-fmk to block apoptosis cascade, induced by IL-7 deprivation, were also tested. Bim expression was analysed after specific in-vitro challenge in presence of z-VAD-fmk. In order to test whether HCV sequence variation could affect to HCV-specific CTL response, NS31406-1415 and NS31073-1081 genes were sequenced in selected cases. Results: RI and PI patients displayed a low frequency of HCV-specific CTLs in peripheral blood (PB), but these cells were sequestered into the liver in PI patients. Directly ex-vivo, HCV-specific CTLs from PB displayed a higher PD-1 and lower CD127 expression in PI with regard to RI cases. Interestingly, PD-1/CD127 phenotype on HCV-specific CTLs showed a positive and negative correlation respectively with viraemia in PI cases. Moreover, this PD-1/CD127 gradient was also observed between PB and liver in PI cases. Proliferation and γ-IFN production on HCV-specific CTLs from RI cases were higher than in PI cases. Specifically, proliferation and γ-IFN secretion after stimulation on PD-1-/CD127+ cells from RI cases was preserved, while it was impaired on PD-1+/CD127- cells from PI patients. PD1+/CD127+ population was also observed in some PI patients, and these maintained expansion ability but they did not target the infecting virus. Finally, HCV-specific CTL proliferation in PI increased after PD-1/PD-L1 interaction blocking, and after anti-apoptotic treatment. Bim expression on HCV-specific CTLs from PI patients was also enhanced. Conclusions: HCV-specific CTL response is still present in persistent infection but its reactivity is impaired. This impairment correlates with PD-1 up-regulation and CD127 down regulation. Particularly, during chronic HCV infection non-reactive PD-1+ HCVspecific CD8+ cells targeting the virus are CD127-/Bim+ and, blocking apoptosis and PD-1/PD-L1 pathway on them enhances in-vitro reactivity. Modulation of these two pathways could be considered as a future therapeutic tool for HCV chronic infection treatment.