Employability profilesThe case of a Spanish university
- María Jesús Freire-Seoane 1
- Beatriz Lopez-Bermudez 1
- Carlos Pais-Montes 1
- 1 Universidade da Coruña.
ISSN: 2340-6704, 0210-0266
Año de publicación: 2020
Volumen: 43
Número: 123
Páginas: 341-352
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Cuadernos de economía: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance
The traditional role of Higher education institutions (Heis) as providers of knowledge and research, has been extended worldwide in the last decades, by adding the labour market orientation as an additional new key element in their policy strategies. This article proposes a Principal Component Analysis and a logit model to measure the influence of some factors that critically affect the employability odds on a sample of European Higher Education (HE) graduates, and hence to measure the quality of the He degrees from the point of view of the employability. Five main profiles emerge: Information Technology expertise, standardized wor-kers, proactive workers skills, community managers and vocational dissatisfaction.
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