La autoeficacia académica y la inteligencia emocional como factores asociados al éxito académico de los estudiantes universitarios

  1. Delgado Domenech, Beatriz
  2. Martínez Monteagudo, María Carmen
  3. Rodríguez, José Ramón
  4. Escortell, Raquel
Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología

ISSN: 0718-5693

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Abril - Julio

Volume: 12

Issue: 35

Pages: 46-60

Type: Article

DOI: 10.35588/REVISTAGPT.V12I35.4003 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología


Self-efficacy in the educational context and emotional competence are variables of relevance for the explanation of academic success. The present study aims to analyse whether academic self-efficacy and emotional intelligence are related to the academic success of university students. For this objective, the Scale of Specific Perceived Self-Efficacy of Academic Situations (EAPESA) and the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) were administered to 573 Spanish university students enrolled in the first year of the Degrees of Teacher of Pre-school Education and Teacher of Primary Education. The results show that both variables are significantly related to academic success and that students with low school success have lower scores on emotional intelligence and academic self-efficacy. These findings are discussed identifying emotional adjustment and academic self-efficacy as factors to promote in university students to improve their success in studies, as well as their future work as teachers.