Efectos de un programa de actividad física integral sobre la motricidad gruesa de niños y niñas con diversidad funcional

  1. Verónica Gabriela Osorio-Rivera
  2. Marc Pallares Piquer
  3. Óscar Chiva Bartoll
  4. Carlos Capella-Peris
Revista Lasallista de investigación

ISSN: 1794-4449

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 16

Issue: 1

Pages: 37-46

Type: Article

DOI: 10.22507/RLI.V16N1A2 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista Lasallista de investigación

Sustainable development goals


Abstract Introduction. Recently, in Ecuador, we are aware of school inclusion of children with functional diversity. However, the absence of adequate spaces and trained professionals make them to be referred to hospitals or rehabilitation centers. In addition, the benefits of physical therapy are not limited to the field of motor skills, offering advances in cognitive function and learning as well. Thus, this work shows an investigation carried out in the area of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Teófilo Dávila Hospital (Ecuador). Objective. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of a Physical Therapy program on the gross motor skills of children with functional diversity. Materials and methods. The research is approached through a quasi-experimental design with an Experimental Group, taking Pretest and Posttest measurements. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative, implementing the Gross Motor Function Measure Test (GMFM 88) and two opinion surveys. Results. The data analysis reveals statistically significant improvements (p<0.001) in the gross motor skills of the children, both globally and in each of the test categories. Likewise, the surveys provided relevant information regarding the opinion of the children's teachers and parents/ guardians. Conclusions. The results of the statistical tests leave no doubt about the improvement in the children's gross motor skills. Likewise, the surveys revealed a very high level of satisfaction, highlighting benefits in cognitive function and learning as well.

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