Kahoot! en la formación de los futuros profesionales de la educación
- Juan Pablo Hernández Ramos 1
- Patricia Torrijos Fincias 1
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1989-3558
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 29
Pages: 23-31
Type: Article
More publications in: Hekademos: revista educativa digital
Among the infinite technological resources available to university professors is Kahoot!, a web resource that, accompanied by the student's smartphone, allows the professor to easily and quickly create an instant response system in the classroom. This article, as part of the dissemination phase of a teaching innovation project at the University of Salamanca, focuses on finding out what students in the faculty of education think about Kahoot!'s employment in higher education. Under a non-experimental working methodology, an electronic questionnaire (α=.841; n=5) is applied to 241 students of this faculty (29 of social education, 73 of pedagogy, 69 of pre-school education and 70 of primary education). The results reflect a positive evaluation of the resource as a tool for understanding, reflecting, memorizing, self-evaluating and organizing the contents of the subjects. In addition, after the use of the Mann-Whitney U test, it was found that the student's degree had no influence on the assessment of the use of Kahoot!. It concludes by stressing the double importance of developing innovation projects with technological resources in teacher training: to improve teaching and as an example for future teaching professionals.
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