Diseño de un modelo de producción de vídeo-lecciones basado en el Edu-entrenamiento para la formación pedagógica a través de MOOC

  1. Manotas Salcedo, Edna
Dirixida por:
  1. María Amor Pérez Rodríguez Director
  2. Paloma Contreras Pulido Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 18 de decembro de 2019

Tipo: Tese


The main goal with this research is to propose a model of apply of edu-entertainment tools for the production of video-lecture in MOOC focused on the pedagogical development in Higher Education. In the first part we posed on the theoretical concept and the literature review about it, the trends and the future perspective around the subject. Next part, show up the methodology and results are explained and the most relevant findings are presented after of analysis of 3 courses in Miriada X. These showed a basic use of audiovisual tools and the trend to design traditional lectures with out of elements of storytelling. On the ending, presented model proposes the use of fiction and narrative elements, in the construction of video-lectures and the use of narrative resources, in which both the professors, and the instructional designer of courses, must be trained to face the use of this tools. At the same time, a work scheme is presented to show the transfer of the teaching practice of these resources. These results are relevant to the instructional design of audiovisual resources for massive courses and to propose the creative use in the design of on line learning environments, especially focused on teacher training.