Elementos de la marca universidad. Nombre, presencia en prensa y producción de revistas científicas

  1. Repiso Caballero, Rafael
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco García García Director
  2. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 24 June 2019

  1. Antonio Castillo Esparcia Chair
  2. Victoria Tur Viñes Secretary
  3. Juan Gorraiz Committee member

Type: Thesis


This compendium dissertation aims to study several key elements in the university brand. In the first place, it reflects on the identifying elements of the university and studies specific cases of "naming", in other words, the name of the universities. It then analyses how the university brand, specifically Spanish universities, are present in the press, both in the national and international press. From these studies we derive analyses of similarity between universities because they share media and therefore audiences. Likewise, a multiple linear regression is used to study the relationship between news in foreign press and variables such as size, number of students, number of professors, number of degrees and postgraduates, scientific production and antiquity. Where it is clear that there is a relationship between media diffusion and the size of the university specifically between scientific production, data that must be qualified in relation to the seniority of the universities. Finally, a little- analyzed element of the university, such as the publication of scientific journals, is studied, as well as those aspects in which journals help to positively shape the university brand, and a review of the international production of journals published by universities.