Media Competencies for the Citizenship Training of Teachers from Andean AmericaColombia and Ecuador
- Rivera Rogel, Diana Elizabeth
- Ligia I. Zuluaga-Arias
- Nélida María Montoya Ramírez
- Luis M Romero-Rodríguez
- Ignacio Aguaded
ISSN: 0103-863X
Datum der Publikation: 2017
Ausgabe: 27
Nummer: 66
Seiten: 80-89
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Paidèia: Graduate Program in Psychology
Abstract: In an increasingly saturated information and infoxicated world, Media Literacy emerges as a necessity for effective filtering of the vast amount of information we consume. The present research aims to quantitatively analyze the level of media competencies of Colombian(Medellin) and Ecuadorian (Loja and Zamora) teachers by means of the application of an adaptation of the taxonomy from the media competencies model, which consists of 6 dimensions and a total of 12 indicators. The total analyzed sample was comprised of 654 teachers from 81 public and private institutions. A data-gathering instrument was used with the aim of determining their level of media competencies from each of the dimensions. The results showed a low to medium level of media competency knowledge, which illustrated the need for priority interventions based on local, regional and international works, namely those that mobilize scientific, academic and political collaboration to improve the performance of a population that should lead the general training of citizens in media competencies.
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