Análisis de la gestión de la dependencia bajo el enfoque pluralista del estado de bienestarel caso andaluz : Huelva

  1. Castro Vadillo, Nelly Julia
Dirigée par:
  1. David Flores Ruiz Directeur/trice
  2. María O Barroso González Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 12 janvier 2016

  1. Inés Herrero President
  2. Blanca Miedes Ugarte Secrétaire
  3. Francisco Javier Santos Cumplido Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


In recent decades, it can be observed that the welfare states that were developed in Europe begin to awake. This process has been the result of successive and increasingly intense economic crisis, especially since the seventies of the last century. To address this process, are different approaches emerge to reform and restructuring the welfare states, including the pluralist approach, characterized by a decentralized management, the diversity of actors providing social welfare, the participation of civil social, etc. At the same time,, a new social right, the right of long-term care, emerge in different European countries, further developing the European social protection models. However, the management of this social right is also affected by the economic crisis, especially by the recent Great Recession. Therefore, it faces a double challenge: their development and consolidation and its adaptation to the crisis. In Spain, the dependence risk or long-term care, begins to be regarded as a social risk, with universal coverage, from the adoption of the Law 39/2006. Therefore, as it was said before, the first developments of the Law takes place in a period of severe economic crisis and weakening of the welfare state. In this sense, this thesis analyzes the dependency or long-term care management in Europe, in general and in the particular case of Spain, under the pluralistic approach of the welfare state. By this, it is argued and demonstrated the importance of analyzing and managing this social policy under this approach. At the same time, this policy is characterized. To do this, we develop a comparative analysis of the dependence management between the Spanish regions, presenting different management models and levels of implementation and development of this social policy. Subsequently, we analyze the dependency management in Andalusia, focusing on the Province of Huelva, in order to highlight the virtues and problems of the decentralized management model that is carried on in this region. We conclude identifying different management models in Spanish regions. While some are more decentralized, like Andalusian model, others are more centralized. In this sense, decentralized models are more related to the pluralistic approach. The models that are closer to the pluralistic approach proves to be more developed and have more potential in ensuring effective management and quality in the provision of this social risk. Although there are differences between countries and management models for dependence in Europe, the tendency is to converge towards a pluralist management. In fact, these models have features of this approach, such as: diversity and complementarily of actors in providing of the dependence risk, local decentralization in the management of this policy, participation of civil society and the family, public administrations as responsible and guarantors of this right, etc.