Impacto económico de los grandes eventos deportivosel caso de los campeonatos mundiales de fútbol

  1. Rodríguez Rodríguez, Bárbara
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Monroy Antón Director
  2. Francisco José Martínez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 24 October 2014

  1. Paula Luna Huertas Chair
  2. Juan José García del Hoyo Secretary
  3. Emanuele Isidori Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis main objective is to analyze the economic impact of the recent FIFA World Cups, measured in terms of GDP growth trend in the host country. This GDP growth trend is analyzed in the host countries of the last seven World Championships Final (Italy, USA, France, South Korea / Japan, Germany, South Africa and Brazil), comparing with GDP data of other countries that are closely related to those host countries (countries that belong to the same economic bloc or have other relevant connections with them) to construct an analytical framework. The period of observation includes the years between 1977 and 2016, considering blocks of five years (including the past two years and the two post¬event). The results show that four of the seven economies of the last seven World considered had a clear economic impact on the year of the event itself, registering growth rates of per capita above trend: United States (+ 0.9pp), France (+ 1.8pp), South Korea (+ 2.16pp) and Germany (up 2.3pp). In one case, Italy 1990, only recorded a +0.25 pp, and in the other three cases (Japan, South Africa and Brazil) over the positive effect of GDP per capita trend has been to show that, on the whole is not perceived the year, a big impact. The 2010 South Africa World Cup recorded a period, 2004-2008, especially buoyant, which was cut short by the year 2009 widespread problem, which none of the economies under study escaped and in per capita terms, neither in the period 2012 -2014 has overcome this negative trend. Brazil 2014 is not known as a remarkable event from a macroeconomic point of view of per capita income at the household level. The main conclusion is that the World Cup Soccer FIFA exerts a boost in economic activity, possibly because all economies must be developed, or strengthened, to attend the event. This preparation is more intensive in the pre-event year and usually leaves positive knock-on effects in that year and beyond both in the host country and sometimes even in the championship finalist countries.