La alfabetización mediática como herramienta de intervención en prisiones

  1. Contreras Pulido, Paloma
Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 11 February 2014

  1. Miguel de Aguilera Moyano Chair
  2. Antonio García Jiménez Secretary
  3. Manuel Ángel Vázquez Medel Committee member

Type: Thesis


Exposure of this research activity is the meaning over all these years which is carried out in several Spanish prisons. They all have the aim in common, among others, to draw within the walls into a reality completely unknown to the society, from the hand of the prisoners, using some type of media such as: radio , magazine, blog, etc. Furthermore, in our work we assume that today it is impossible to exercise full citizenship without being competent, talking in terms of Media. Therefore, Media literacy permeate the philosophy of this research and it will be its foundation. According to that, we will make a tour around two main topics which are the center of our research : firstly, literacy and media competence, and secondly, the social exclusion. The last one is focused on the field of prisons. The first goal of the research is to design and develop a media map made by prisoners and media literacy workshops in Spanish prisons. This census does not exist today. To provide answers to the questions about whether programs are needed to improve media literacy for educators and prisoners in Spanish prisons, research is designed primarily behind a qualitative perspective, based on 29 in-depth interviews to educators and prisoners currently actively involved in communication workshops and media literacy, in five Spanish prisons : the prison of the Dueso (Santander ), the Quatre Camins prison (Barcelona ), the Huelva Prison, the prison Psychiatric Hospital and Center of Seville, Prison Albolote (Granada ) . These interviews had mainly two objectives: to measure the level of media competence of participants and on the other hand, to conclude whether this type of media action inside prison brings them positive expectations for their future social reintegration. As noted in the final conclusions, it is necessary to adapt programs to improve media literacy for both, educators and prisoners, and one of the most effective tools to achieve this is to include media literacy as an intervention tool in this context, by giving opportunity for prisoners to produce content using any type of media or through ICT.