Los certámenes musicales de la feria de Albacete. Origen y evolución (1882-1948)

  1. Bravo Marín, Raquel 1
  2. De Moya Martínez, María del Valle 1
  3. López García, Narciso Josè 1
  1. 1 Universidad Castilla La Mancha

ISSN: 2254-0709

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 28

Pages: 175-189

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6035/10.6035/ARTSEDUCA.2020.28.13 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Artseduca


This article pretends to make a brief history of the competitions for Music Bands supported by the City Council of Albacete. To make this investigation, we have started from the data provided by two primary documentary sources: the proceedings of the town hall plenary sessions and all kinds of news published in newspapers and magazines in order to disseminate the celebration of such events among the general public. Depending on the difficulties that the municipality was going through, mainly from the budget, the contests had a greater or lesser geographical standing. A quick survey allows us to observe that provincial contents were the main, although sometimes they increased to the region and as a sign of a high degree of artistic ambition, even some year, national competitions were projected (1922 and 1923). Music band contests originate at the end of the 19th Century and swiftly expand throughout the national geography, managing to remain throughout the past century. An example of the importance of the aforementioned events, it is noteworthy, at the national level, the Contests held in the City of Valencia, although there is the curious circumstance, as evidenced by the handling of the sources cited, that the honor of having conve-ned the first event in Spain, it was not the city of Valencia. Albacete was the city which anticipated in two years the first event organized by the city of Turia.

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