Los medios de comunicación de masas y de la identidad cultural de los jóvenes universitarios quechuas del Cusco

  1. Concha Flores, Gladys Georgina
  1. M. Pilar Lacasa Díaz Zuzendaria
  2. Héctor del Castillo Fernández Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 2009(e)ko abendua-(a)k 15

  1. Pablo del Río Pereda Presidentea
  2. Rut Martínez Borda Idazkaria
  3. Amelia Álvarez Kidea
  4. Laura Méndez Zaballos Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Introduction; The main aim of the present work is to describe the dimensions that define the everyday contexts in which quechua students live. We explore how are these contexts defined, what characteristics highlighted each of them and understand which role they play and how hese contexts involved in the mass media to which they are exposed, considering the sociodemographic dimension. It is also described how impact these non-communicative and communicative entities, in the process of building their identities. The study focuses mainly on the analysis of four contexts: family, educational, social and professional in which is analyzed the exposure to mass media and new information technologies and communication, possession of instruments of communication and the evaluation of the media; It ia also explored the culture and cultural identity from the political trends that they have, those who profess religious beliefs, sexuality, the culture, cultural identity, cultural behaviors and the construction of visions of the future. Methodology: This thesis managed quantitative and qualitative information on the objectives that have been proposed. The quantitative work was carried out by applying a questionnaire consisting of 259 questions, grouped into eight research areas. It was designed to obtain a system of indicators that refer to various levels of identification. The qualitative part of the evidence (interviews) provides the opportunity to understand deeply the characteristics of the population has been studied and supplemented with qualitative inputs to explore meanings and representations. The universe is 910 young quechua people studying at the University of Cusco. The sample has been selected 129 students, of which 58.91% are women and 41.09% males, whose ages range from 17 to 31 years. All are officially enrolled in the University and studying in the different careers that this institution offers. Results: Young people come from Quechuan contexts, geographically belonging to the Department of Cusco, whose communities are far from the city. Families are made up by parents and brothers and other relatives. Parents are bilingual as well as the young, speak quechua and Spanish; majority engaged in farming and cattle, the levels of the parents realize that they have studied up to high school, whereas many of the mothers of them can neither read nor write. They have entered the university after undergoing an examination for admission convened by the University. They are mostly students in the areas of social sciences, specifically in education careers in engineering careers and science. Most of them are just studying and not working, and they have many friends of their own age and gender. In the culture media, television has been pushed to lead to the radio, which is best seen by them, and slowly they are using new communication technologies and information, although their consumption is still low at this sense. The non-possession of the means does not prevent access to them. When it comes to consuming products communicative, they prefer news and opinion programs, which appear in different media, when you see what character from the world most admired media, young people are inclined to the characters they play the roles of journalists, software drivers and very little with politicians. This group of young people has a habit of reading books, read more literature and self. Valued much more media now than in the past. Political trends of young people are inclined towards the left wing, from the religious perspective the majority of women are considered practicing believers and consequently, do not agree with premarital sex, have not yet had sexual contact and fidelity The couple considered necessary but not essential. The young people accept the culture, language, physical features, dress, habits of the Quechua peasant like them and the foreigners who live in their environment. They do not accept the economic level of the Quechua and the lifestyles of foreigners. Their cultural behavior, once he has left his community in some cases, protracted cultural associations that make up his countrymen in college, in other cases, young people experience and live temporarily choose their cultural expressions. Finally, with regard to the visions of the world who build these are optimistic when it comes to your country and the emergence of the latter, but are persimistas when it comes to the future of the world and those around them, with respect to how they look themselves here ten years, the majority considers to be the same as today. Conclusions: In this research, the huge amount of factors involved in the processes of enculturization, the diversity of different effects that have been identified, and the complexity of the dynamics that have been recognized, show us the complexity of the context. When talking about media as participating (or not) in the construction of identities, it is possible to speak of a greater determination of other enculturizing as family, college friends who, together with the means to provide baseline information to young people, allowing them to construct and re-construct their identities. Specifically, when the transfer of certain patterns of interaction of the characters in the media world who value the concrete and real world in which they live, it is possible to speak of people whose behavior patterns serve as guidelines to follow such as the right to speak, act well, have ideas, dressing well, including, but not a single media identification. Quechuas college students when they receive information from the media or people in their immediate environment, they received information, processed information and produced their own information, so it can be said that both entities as the communicative encuturizating entities are sources of information and communication for this group of young people and everything that receipt of these sources, are processed by the receipt of information and once developed this cognitive process can move to build their identities, their worldviews and perceptions of others.